The 2402 Foundation prepared another 30 Ukrainian journalists to work in combat conditions
HEFAT training from the 2402 Foundation is about survival in dangerous situations. We teach to save ourselves and those around us, assess the situation, and act as effectively as possible. And this is possible only if training occurs in conditions close to real ones.
Therefore, neither 24-hour rains nor short daylight hours nor morning shelling prevented us from training another 30 Ukrainian media workers.
In the dark, in the smoke of explosions, in narrow trenches and abandoned buildings, journalists, freelancers, fixers, and photographers made decisions every second on which the lives of their colleagues depended. They examined the wounded, applied tourniquets and bandages, evacuated each other under "fire," and performed editorial tasks.
Graduates of our training should be ready for everything that awaits them on a business trip in the "field." And we must be sure they can apply the acquired knowledge and skills in stressful conditions
We are grateful to the participants for their dedicated work and fighting spirit and thankful to our coaches Roman Stepanovych, Dmytro Hladyshevskyi, Mykola Ayb, and Iryna Chulivska for their experience, professionalism, and comprehensive applied information.

We thank our partners, Nova Ukraine Charity Foundation, for their support and high-quality tactical first-aid kits. And special thanks to our friends Misha Katsurin and "Thailand hi" for nutritious, hearty, and delicious dinners.

Stay tuned for announcements of our following events. We prepare a lot of valuable and exciting things.

Photo: Lisa Bukreyeva