If we want changes, we need to start changing ourselves. For example, start the new year with a four-day intensive training on survival and work in dangerous conditions.
The first HEFAT training for journalists in 2024 took place in Odesa
This weekend in Odesa, under a January blizzard, in the dark, to the sounds of explosions, Ukrainian journalists performed editorial tasks, evacuated "wounded" colleagues, determined the nature of injuries, placed turnstiles, and escaped from enemy mines. They also learned to assess risks, protect information on digital media, and stay alive. In two years of war, everyone should be able to do this!
And especially those who work and live in the war zone.
We are grateful to the participants for their conscious, responsible attitude to their safety and the safety of those around them, for their dedicated work and fighting spirit. We thank our coaches, Anton Skyba, Dmytro Gladyshevskyi, Serhiy Yefimchuk, and Iryna Chulivska, for their valuable knowledge and experience.
If we want changes, we need to start changing ourselves
We thank our partners - the Odesa representative office of Media Center Ukraine, і and our friends, Digital Defenders, for making this training possible.

The next HEFAT from the 2402 Foundation is waiting for you already at the end of January, so follow the announcements and do not miss the registration opening. Subscribe to our news - this year promises to be complete. Invest in security; it changes the world for the better!